Portfolio Category: Operational testing & assessments

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technology hardware

Systems and Data Integration in Public Safety

About the Case Study It’s an all too common problem. Public safety information systems do not produce needed results due to outdated technologies or stand-alone systems that are unable to “talk” to each other. Fire departments, police departments, emergency response agencies, and dispatch centers shouldn’t have to compromise on their supply of quality information simply […]

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Students in NIH laboratory

National Institute of Health Case Study

About the Case Study The National Institutes of Health found its public safety facilities and systems in need of upgrading. Existing technologies to support fire, police, emergency management, etc., were not integrated, causing challenges with communicating and collaborating. The NIH sought help in delving into the complex organization, evaluating both technology and business processes. It […]

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U.S. Naval submarine ship

Concept Development in Mine Warfare Case Study

Case Study Since the days of the Revolutionary War, the US Navy has had a love-hate relationship with naval mines, which have been long known as the “weapons that wait”. The US Navy deployed naval mines during both World Wars and since then has only used them on two other occasions: mining North Vietnamese ports […]

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The Definitive Guide for Building Your Fire Station Alerting System
Click below to read the full Guide